Wednesday, November 16, 2011

contest :)

Enter to win a copy of clockwork prince via @Mundiemoms 31 day CP celebration!! the link won't copy, but go search on twitter! they're really good for information and book reivews!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Challenge

I have become somwhat addicted to post it notes. I discovered a pack I bought for school but never used a few months ago and have stared at this pack for weeks. Finally, last week I opened it and made a post it note person on my mirror. Ever since, I have thought, well, why don't we do this everywhere? So I have began bringing post it notes everywhere with me. I want to start flowers in bathroom mirrors, people on brick walls and making the world covered in our notes. I have seen people write on bathroom stalls with sharpies. This is the same things, on a less permanent level! Be a rebel. Leave post it note art somewhere public and take a picture! link it back here! Share your art with the world. And on one note, write to invite others to join the challenge! Good luck, post it note people!